Student # 1. Anna/Russia.
Anna read slowly, word by word. She has a fairly good phonemic awareness and tries to sound our the words. Anna stumbles over sight words. This area needs to be worked on. Anna does not know a+l combination and substitutes other sounds for it. Anna needs to work on R-controlled vowels. She understands the content and tried to guess the next word instead of reading it; she used "class" instead of the printed word "school"in her reading. Anna needs to focus on letters in the word and sound them out. This way, she'll read actual words in the text. Being a Russian speaker, Anna encounters difficulties in pronouncing V and W sounds, which do not exist in her native language. This is a typical mistake and can be corrected with practice.
Student # 2. Ali /Iran
Ali read the text at a normal speed. He does not know A+L combination( all, tall. talk,etc). Ali struggles with sight words. He knows silent E rule and tried to sound out HAVE as HEIV, according to the rule of reading. It is recommended to refer a student to the sight word poster in the classroom. The student should practice reading these words several times before he reads a text. In the word SAY Ali did not sound the word, he looked at the first letter and tried to guess the word. The sentence says, " I have a lot to say". Ali reads it as," I have a lot to see." It is semantically correct, but it is not what the book says. Ali's focus should be on reinforcing the meaning and following visual cues. He should look at the letters and sound them out. It is not clear if his mistakes were typical to the mistakes that Iranians make when they learn to speak English.
References: Running Record Sheets,
L.M. Morrow,Literacy Development in the Early Years
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